Tag: transfer fees

  • Free $50 Fee Credit For Transferring Your TFSA To Ally

    I was just sent this e-mail about an offer from a financial institution called Ally. From what I read, they are offering TFSA account holders with other banks up to $50 to switch to them in order for you to recoup any transferring fees that your bank may charge for the switch. I suppose the…

  • Withdrawing TFSA Funds Instead of Transferring To Avoid Fees

    As expected I have been hearing a lot of negative vibe about the business/marketing practices of certain financial institutions that have suddenly dropped its tax free savings account interest rates. As a result, many people do not want to move their funds out of the account as well as their provider charges a fee to…

  • CIBC TFSA Interest Rate

    The official tax free savings account interest rate for CIBC appears to be 3% as you can see here: Similar to the information provided before too, there is a hefty $100 fee should you decide to transfer some or all your funds to a different financial institution. So for this bank you should really think…