Royal Bank of Canada

Founded in 1864 Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 2008 the Royal Bank of Canada was considered as Canada’s largest bank when it comes to measuring a bank’s assets and market presence.

If you have signed up for a TFSA with the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), feel free to share your reasons for choosing them as well as your experience which will greatly help others in deciding which bank is right for them.

2 responses to “Royal Bank of Canada”

  1. lf some one gives me a cheque and it comes back NSF how much am l charge out of my account with the Royal bank even if l did not right the cheque!

    Please respond back as A.S.P Thanks Greg

  2. I had a TFSA with the Royal Bank here in Hinton but had to close it out as I was over the limit of TFSA’s. The Government of Canada wants proof that I am now within my limit of TFSA’s. Could you please e-mail me proof that I have no longer a TFSA with the Royal Bank. Thank you. my e-mail address is MY TFSA ACCT. # was 26669055

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