TD Canada Trust TFSA Rate of 1.0%
TD Canada seems to be in that group of banks that have a 2014 TFSA rate of 1.0% as well. Makes me wonder if banks like these are giving up for the year in trying to compete for people’s investment dollars or if they will be releasing surprises as the deadline approaches.
TD Canada TFSA Interest Rate Drop
I was just looking at the TFSA interest rate for TD Canada at it looks like it has slipped to a new low of 1.25% as you can see here: I know a lot of people were latching on to this one as it remained as one of the higher ones for awhile I believe…
TD Canada Increases Its TFSA Interest Rate
This is one of the first banks that I have seen that actually increased its interest rate for its tax free savings account. TD bank definitely had one of the lowest interest rate overall and as you can see here they have upped its offering to 2.5%: While the rates are subject to change like…
TD Canada TFSA Interest Rates
On TD Canada’s site they have released information about its interest rates for a tax free savings account. They are labeling it as the “High Interest TFSA Savings Account” with an annual interest rate of 1.75% that is paid out monthly as you can see by this chart: From my own observations, despite the name…
TD Canada TFSA Plan
So one of last major banks is TD Canada Trust and I found its TFSA page located at http://www.tdcanadatrust.com/invest/tax_free.jsp. For the most part, the information on the site is extremely general. It seems like the complete opposite of the previous bank site I visited where this bank doesn’t seem to be trying too hard in…