Tax Free Savings Account Launch

So today is the launch date for TSFA accounts. The official TFSA site at was also updated. I thought this blurb of words used in a graphics on its page was interesting as you can see here:

“Accumulate, Access, Tax-Free Earnings, Tax-Free Withdrawals, Savings, Flexible, Stability”. I guess that is pretty much the entire pitch from most financial intuitions on why you use open up a TFSA account.

I will be updating the site once I try and rally up as much information as possible from various banks and will place it in the appropriate banks. In the meantime, feel free to send any useful information or leads that you think may be useful to others.

As well, if you actually signed up with a bank already the TFSA Canada Bank Review section is available for some banks for people to post their comments and experiences with. I know there are a lot of smaller institutions that I am missing, but again feel free to let me.

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