TD Canada TFSA Plan
So one of last major banks is TD Canada Trust and I found its TFSA page located at http://www.tdcanadatrust.com/invest/tax_free.jsp. For the most part, the information on the site is extremely general. It seems like the complete opposite of the previous bank site I visited where this bank doesn’t seem to be trying too hard in…
Scotiabank TFSA
I was just visiting the Scotiabank site to see what its TFSA plans were like. First thing that I noticed is that this bank seems to be going all out in trying to educate people about a tax free savings account as they have a full fledged flash presentation and tutorial about it at http://scotiabank.com/tfsa/scotia_TFSA_base.html.…
Royal Bank of Canada TFSA
At the Royal Bank page located at http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/services/taxfreesavingsaccount/tax-free-savings-account.html they have just general information about its tax free savings account. One interesting piece of information on the page is that this is the first bank that I have seen where it looks like they encourage people to have both an RRSP account and a TFSA. Example,…
President’s Choice Financial Tax Free Interest Plus
The next bank I looked at today was PC Financial. I know that they are usually a popular bank for a lot of people due to its no fee bank account options. For TFSA plans, they have one that is being called the “Tax-Free Interest Plus” plan where you can read about at http://www.banking.pcfinancial.ca/a/products/taxfreeInvestmentOptions/tfsa.page .…
HSBC One Percent Interest Bonus
I was reading over the HSBC site and was reading how they are offering a 1% interest bonus on new deposits until March 16, 2009. You can read about it too at https://www.hsbc.ca/1/2/en/personal/chequing-savings/savings-accounts . That offer should be valid for the upcoming TFSA accounts too as I read the line on the page stating “With…