Tag: PC Financial

  • PC Financial Rate At 1.4%

    I was looking at the annual interest rate for PC Financial’s Tax free Interest Plus Savings Account and by the look of it the rate is currently sitting at 1.4%.  haven’t seen any special promotions as of yet even though it seems like a lot of the other big banks are gearing up for the…

  • 0.75% TFSA Interest Rate

    Not only is this the first time I have seen any TFSA Interest rate plan go under one percent, but what an odd combination of banks. PC Financial, RBC and CIBC have dropped its rates to 0.75% as you can see. Normally all the big banks would follow each other at the same time. I…

  • Bank Wide Interest Rate Drops To One Percent

    I was checking a lot of the banks TFSA intrest rates today and it looks like interest rates have dropped throughout many of the banks to 1%. PC Financial, RBC, BMO, CIBC, Scotiabank and HSBC all seem to share the same rate now as you can see below: Although, for HSBC’s Direct TFSA it is…

  • The Lowest TFSA Interest Rate of All Time

    Well, as of this day at least. And the award goes to…….. PC Financial. At an astonishing rate of 1.2% this is the lowest TFSA interest that I have ever seen as you can see here: I’m inclined to say that it is trivial to invest in a TFSA account with them with that low…

  • Can PC Financial Get Any Lower?

    I am actually very surprised to see this interest rate drop from PC financial. As you can see, it is now at 1.65%: I’m surprised as while the previous figure was pretty low, this financial institution usually clamors its no fee banking plans while offering a high interest rate. Here, this is one of the…

  • Extremely New Low PC Financial Rate

    You talk about a drop in interest rate. I was checking the interest rate today and it has fallen to a whopping 1.85% as you can see here: It is pretty unbelievable and how fast the rates has dropped for PC financial considering they started as one of the highest at 3.75%. If I’m not…

  • PC Financial Early Bird Incentive Interest Rate Bonus

    I have been getting word that some people who have signed up for PC Financial’s TFSA plan before the official launch date got some kind of bonus interest incentive. It is not too much by the sounds of it, but free money is always nice especially since this bank in particular has dropped its rates…