The Best TFSA Plans So Far
So I was asked by a few people on what I personally think the best banks to open up a tax free savings account plan with is so far. In my personal opinion, based on what I see I would say the Bank of Montreal and ING Direct seems like the best choices overall so…
ING Direct TFSA Interest Rate And A Free $13 Bonus
While the interest rate for ING Direct was the predicted 3% as mentioned in the previous post, I never actually made an official post for it. As well, there was another detail about this financial institution that was worthy of a mention too. Until January the 31st of this month, if you open up a…
Bank of Montreal TFSA Interest Rate Update
Looks like BMO has updated its website. The rate seems to be better than the previously noted 2.75% as from what I see it is 3% as you can see here: http://www4.bmo.com/personal/rates/0,2278,35649_63297975,00.html That’s pretty good I think personally. It also indicates that “There are no fees for contributions, withdrawals or transfers” which is great for…