ING Direct Canada TFSA Promotion Rate of 2.5%
The current TFSA interest rate in 2014 for ING Direct Canada appears to be at 1.4% as you can see here. At the same time, they seem to be offering a promotion until March 31st, 2014 on new deposits where they are giving investors 2.5% until April 30, 2014. Just to be clear as even…
ING Direct Goes To 3% For The New Years
Happy new years everyone! This was kind of a good change as I saw today that ING Direct has decided to increase its tax free savings account rate to 3%. As indicated on the fine print too, “Rate as at January 1, 2010 and (like the weather) is subject to change. Interest is calculated daily…
ING Direct TFSA Rate To One Point Five Percent
I know on the ING Direct TFSA site the rate appeared to have dropped for about a month now, but I was hearing mixed stories about how some people were still getting the 3% rate. Thanks to some readers I guess this confirms that everyone is getting a 1.5% rate now.
ING Direct TFSA Increase To 3%
Maybe this was a Canada day boost, but it’s nice to know that at least one financial institution has dramatically bumped up its tax free savings account interest rate. As you can see, ING Direct is now at 3% which makes it the highest. Maybe that is a good sign that others will increase their…
Large ING Direct Interest Rate Dive
You would think that the smaller financial institutions would consistently have the higher TFSA interest rates due to a lower overhead cost of the bank. I guess ING is an example on how when it comes to TFSA rates you just never know. As you can see, the rate has dropped to 1.7%. Kind of…
ING Direct TFSA Interest Rate Drop
ING Direct definitely had one of the higher interest offerings at 3% initially and just recently the rate has been reduced to 2.3% as you can see here: The rate is still higher than most other financial intuitions I suppose which is the good thing as a lot of other banks seemed to have adopted…
ING Direct TFSA Interest Rate And A Free $13 Bonus
While the interest rate for ING Direct was the predicted 3% as mentioned in the previous post, I never actually made an official post for it. As well, there was another detail about this financial institution that was worthy of a mention too. Until January the 31st of this month, if you open up a…