ING Direct TFSA Increase To 3%

Maybe this was a Canada day boost, but it’s nice to know that at least one financial institution has dramatically bumped up its tax free savings account interest rate. As you can see, ING Direct is now at 3% which makes it the highest.

Maybe that is a good sign that others will increase their rates as well or it could be simply that ING is trying to stand out from the rest. ING usually has some of the higher interest rates when it comes to the more conventional savings accounts and so it would be nice if they kept this rate. Or better yet, increase it. πŸ™‚

4 responses to “ING Direct TFSA Increase To 3%”

  1. The interest rate for ING is now 1.05%. I opened my account at 3% interest and the rate seemed to plummet the next day πŸ™

  2. Thanks for the notice everyone. Updating it now. I did hear that some people were still getting the 3% plan before. But I guess this confirms that it dropped for everyone.

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