The Best TFSA Plans So Far
So I was asked by a few people on what I personally think the best banks to open up a tax free savings account plan with is so far. In my personal opinion, based on what I see I would say the Bank of Montreal and ING Direct seems like the best choices overall so…
ING Direct Canada TFSA Promotion Rate of 2.5%
The current TFSA interest rate in 2014 for ING Direct Canada appears to be at 1.4% as you can see here. At the same time, they seem to be offering a promotion until March 31st, 2014 on new deposits where they are giving investors 2.5% until April 30, 2014. Just to be clear as even…
Vancity TFSA Rate at 1%
I remembered in the past Vancity had one of the highest TFSA rate which was definitely good for all the investors. As of checking today though it seems like its jumpstart high interest savings account is only offering a 1% rate and it has been at this number for awhile it seems. Maybe they will…
Scotiabank Special TFSA Rate of 1.75%
Since this is one of the larger banks in Canada I was expecting them to be offering a high interest rate promotion compared to the other banks. Its regular TFSA rate is currently sitting at 1%. It appears that until March 31, 2014 they are offering a 1.75% interest rate to any new TFSA funds…
Scotiabank’s Video Explanation of a TFSA
Here is a TFSA related video which describes the basics courtesy of Scotiabank that I found:
TD Canada Trust TFSA Rate of 1.0%
TD Canada seems to be in that group of banks that have a 2014 TFSA rate of 1.0% as well. Makes me wonder if banks like these are giving up for the year in trying to compete for people’s investment dollars or if they will be releasing surprises as the deadline approaches.
HSBC TFSA Rate Sitting At 1.2%
It looks like for this year so far in 2014 HSBC is going to offer a TFSA rate of 1.2%.